Organ Reports

The following reports are all available as pdf files. Downloading from the website is free. Acknowledgments to Martin Goetze and Dominic Gwynn would be gratefully received but are not essential. The reports are essentially a research tool which we have used ourselves, and are making available to further worldwide acquaintance of these organs. They are mostly of technical information, much of which would need to be interpreted. Assistance from is freely available, though not always immediate. The material in these reports has been collected over a number of years as part of a continuing research project. Most of it was stimulated by a desire to incorporate parts of these organs into our new organs, or was collected during restoration. The reports are designed as a research tool, not as reading material. All the measured drawings are included in the reports, reduced to A4 size. Preparing the material for publication was made possible by generous grants from the Harley Foundation, the Trustees of which are responsible for building the group of craft workshops where we work. That is why they are called the Harley Monographs. Other acknowledgments are made in the respective reports.